Agility Project Portal

Having worked closely with builders since 1999 we saw their most valuable asset disappearing - time.

Agility is an online business platform - agile and light, perfect fit for small and medium builders.  

Having worked closely with builders since 1999 we saw their most valuable asset disappearing - time. Overcoming this problem and giving precious hours back to builders, has been one of the key drivers in the development of the Agility Project Portal .

Streamline your business processes. Bring structure and order to your projects. Eliminate mistakes, duplication, and wasted effort.

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Document management


From its inception our document storage system has been designed specifically for builders, their subcontractors and clients.  We understand that simple document bumbles result in avoidable delays, rework and added expense. 

Do you have a system for superseding project drawings? Does it keep everyone up to date? Is it as simple as pushing a button? What does it actually cost you on-site when you have a document bumble?

Agility's Document Management system ensures everyone who needs the right information - has it. It’s that simple.

With over 75,000 documents under storage  our members know they can rely on Agility. 

Quotation Management


Do you or your staff waste tracking and filing replies?  What happens when the plans change? 

Organised 'project by project' - Agility tracks suppliers, quotes and messages. It makes it easy to manage and share information.  Best of all,  our staff  will actually phone up any delinquent suppliers on your behalf. What a time saving!  

Agility keeps your quotes organised. We keep your suppliers accountable!

Purchase Orders


You have the quote, checked it over, the price is right - now what? Purchase orders are an essential part of project management, but writing out purchase order takes time. 

Agility fixes this problem. Click through and the Portal will generate a PO. Allocate it to the correct cost code and send it to the supplier using emails and SMS.

Want to delegate  some orders without losing control of others, we've got you covered. 

Clear. Simple.



Balancing the books and tracking costs is an essential part of effective project management.  However,  with the wrong system it you can waste hours duplicating information.  Agility makes the transition from on-site management to ledger control a breeze.

 Having reviewed the market we selected XERO as our accounting package of choice. It's a great solution small business, it does so many things so well but even it  does not completely meet the needs of  builders.  Thats' where Agility comes in. Agility seamlessly extends Xero, it  adds additional functionality that fills the gaps and makes it a complete solution for builders. 

Watch the video

Supplier Integration


Agility allows suppliers to maintain their own login. They can distribute price lists, maintain contact information and request further information from builders. Asset members can search through price lists for commodity items for any preliminary pricing.

  1. Builder uploads information (plans, specifications etc) to Agility - broadcasts quote requests to relevant suppliers

  2. Suppliers can download information from the Agility Cloud Storage system

  3. Suppliers can request further information if required, or reply with a quote

  4. Quote gets logged in project file along with all attachments

  5. Chosen quote gets converted to a PO and sent to supplier, without doubling up data entry

Saving suppliers and builders, time and effort. 

Keep suppliers connected and stay respected.

Project Scheduling


The Agility Project Portal takes scheduling very seriously,  but we know that there the process has practical limitations. Ironically,  the further try try to  plan ahead, the less relevant the plan becomes. Too many things can change, no one can really give you a firm commitment. Your time is spent better elsewhere. 

Agility's  scheduling system relies on the fact that you know how to build. For example, you know the frames come before the trusses, and the trusses come before the roof.  We never waste your time, asking you to create schedule dependencies and entering data and that will be out of date within a week.  

 Instead we give you a rolling plan,  based on practical  planning horizons. Generally, we recommend,

  • One month for raw materials and

  • One week for trades.

We also make it easy. Your Gantt Chart is automatically derived from purchase orders. There is no wasted effort or duplication.

Working in bite-sized chunks of time allows you to plan, coordinate and ultimately keep on top of site activities.  Do this each week and you will find your site will be more active and ultimately your projects will be completed faster. 

 The result is a simple,  realistic schedule that works.

Financial KPI's


Do you know how much it costs you to deliver a project late? What about when you take on more work at lower margins? 

If you have been building for any length of time, you'll appreciate that the traditional profit and loss statement is fairly useless when your business has large irregular payments. One month can look great the next looks like a disaster. How do you know where you really stand.  

At the touch of a button, Agilitygenerates a set of financial KPI's designed specifically for builders, their accounts and bank managers.  These KPI's provide real insights into the underlying health of your business.  

Make sense of your finances and stay on track!

Marketing & Sales


Have you ever had an enquiry fall through the cracks?

Do you have a system to generate qualify  prospects and turn them into clients? 

What happens when you get an initial phone call from someone interested in building?

Agility provides a complete digital marketing and CRM solution for builders and their sales staff.

Once the project starts moving forward, you can give clients a login that ensures they're up to date with drawings and general client specific project information. 

Happy clients equals more referrals!

Combined EMAIL & SMS Messaging Service


Agility combines email and SMS communication for each project and supplier into a single, coherent, permanent message thread.  Its great for managing suppliers and tradies that don't always check their emails.  

Avoid confusion -  ensures everyone is on the same page!


Feel free to contact support at head office.
They can help walk you through the process so you’ll know what to do next time.